Please download our latest referral form here. (PDF, 320kb)
Templates for Best Practice and Medical Director Clinical
If you use Best Practice please download an importable Template here. (RTF, 130kb)
If you use Medical Director Clinical, please download your Template here. (RTF, 153kb)
NB: For each of the above templates above please set the margins as shown below after importing and under Page Setup, to ensure the template will fit on a single page.

Templates (Form) for Genie
The Template (Form) is also now available for download from Genie via the Forms Download functionality. To access this please go to the Special > Software Update menu. Then select the Forms tab, and find our referral named ‘VUS Referral’ under the ‘New’ category. Genie support may move this at a later date to the Radiology section.
To install please a tick next to the checkbox and then click the Import button.